An intervention about taxes detraction to the sport clubs to help the italian leagues after the COVID19 emergency.

That’s what the 4.0 Committee, the Committee launched by Italian Volleyball League together with Italian Basketball League and Football Lega Pro, asks to the government.

The Leagues firmly asked to the Italian government some important detractions about the costs of tax on sponsorships, to boost the sponsors to take advantage of this detractions and to continue and increase the sponsorships in these leagues, keeping alinve the movements and helping the teams and the clubs to stay competitive.

Almost the 100% of clubs will have a decrease of sponsorships, with the loss of 40% of revenues, with some sport tragic impact on the leagues and the volleyball tournaments.

From half until end of july the clubs will decide if and how to face the next sport season, and there is no time. All the clubs of the 4.0 Cimmittee leagues are asking the help of the government, to keep alive and competitive the tournaments.