Next sunday 29th september in Roma in Villa Borghese will take place the third edition of Fitwalking walk in the name of AIL settembre è in programma a Roma la terza edizione della Fitwalking a sostegno di AIL, Association against Limphoma Leukemia and Mieloma.

The Association celebrates the 50th anninversary of foundation, 50 years of passion and charity toward the patients of these terrible ills.

With the help of Health Minister and Italian CIO CONI, the walk will start at 9 from Villa Borghese and will be long 3 or 6 km inside the Villa.

Last edition saw 1200 participants, this edition will have the chance to improve these imprtant numbers, looking forward to improve the mediatic impact of this important event.

Lega Pallavolo Italian Volleyball League support and sustain the event, giving AIL voice on and on official Facebook profile LegaVolleySerieA.

for further infos: