With a weekend off, due to the Del Monte Italian Cup Final Four in Bologna, the Block Devils think about the tournaments.

16 wins and 4 losses for Sir Safety Perugia in the Unipolsai Superleague, second place in the standings, a good place for Lorenzo Bernardi’s team.
6 more games in the tournament, versus Civitanova in the next round, then Verona e Monza, all at PalaEvangelisti, and on the road at Molfetta, Latina and Milano.
Let’s see se how will be the playoff bracket.

In the Champions League Pool E, Sir Sicoma Colussi is inte lead with 8 points, 3 wins, in front of Belgorod (6 points and 2 wins), Roeselare (4 points with 1 win punti) and Ankara still at 0 points.
Next games will be on the road in Russia versus Belgorod and versus Roeselare, with the last game of the Pool at PalaEvangelisti versus Ankara.