Not even 16 year old yet, the young libero-spiker Federico Bianchini went from the U16 and U18 tournaments to the Serie A2 and a game against the leader Siena. Born in Civitanova in 2001 but living in Potenza very close to the Potenza Picena arena, he was called upon for last Thursday’s game against Siena.

« It’s been a wonderful experience to follow the game against the leaders from the bench and take part in the warm-up – said Bianchini – My teammates really put me at ease. I am obviously focused on my U16 and U18 championships but I’d be delighted if there were more calls to come. I feel fine when I train with the team. The age difference is not that big and I get along too with the most experienced one. Casulli immediately made me feel part of the group, and I like his mentality ».