Conad Reggio Emilia will face former players Benaglia e Bonetti, after the important win in Lazio versus Maury’s Italiana Assicurazioni Tuscania, a win which put Pupo Dall’Olio’s team one point behind Tuscania. Kemas Lamipel Santa Croce, is coming from a 3-1 win versus former leader of the standings Monini Spoleto, and will play at PalaBigi with Angel Dennis on the court after the suspension was commuted into a fine.



4th round Unipolsai Serie A2 Pool Promozione

Wednesday 22nd february 2017, -20.30

VBC Mondovì – BCC Castellana Grotte live on Lega Volley Channel


Video Check: Silvestri

Ceramica Globo Civita Castellana – Maury’s Italiana Assicurazioni Tuscania live on Lega Volley Channel

(Di Blasi-Grassia)

Video Check: Fabri

Thursday 23rd february 2017, – 20.30

Conad Reggio Emilia – Kemas Lamipel Santa Croce live on Lega Volley Channel


Video Check: Tundo

Monini Spoleto – Sigma Aversa live on Lega Volley Channel


Video Check: Colucci

Wednesday 1st march 2017, – 20.30

Caloni Agnelli Bergamo – Emma Villas Siena live on Lega Volley Channel


Video Check: Conti



Emma Villas Siena 23, BCC Castellana Grotte 23, Monini Spoleto 22, Caloni Agnelli Bergamo 19, VBC Mondovì 18, Ceramica Globo Civita Castellana 16, Maury’s Italiana Assicurazioni Tuscania 14, Conad Reggio Emilia 13, Kemas Lamipel Santa Croce 9, Sigma Aversa 8