Born and raised with Argos Volley, playing volleyball with youth teams and minors of Biosì Indexa Sora, young spiker Pierpaolo Mauti is, together with Marco Lucarelli one of the best prospects of Sora and of the Unipolsai Superleague.

The 22 year old spiker talks about himself:
“I like to have fun, I love to live the group and the team, I am always available to help my friends and teammate if I can.

I started playing volleyball here in Sora after some futsal seasons. My uncle is a friend of president Enrico Vicini, and suggested me to come here.

My debut was at 17, I stepped on the court in place of Patriarca in Serie A2. Coach Ricci called me and told me to warm up I was so happy and afraid, I was shaking. Opponents served on me, but my reception was good!

My most important person in volley has been coach Maurizio Colucci, I started with him, and now, after nine years, to be coached still by him, it’s an honour.

It is a great sensation to play in Unipolsai Superleague. It’s a big responsability and I’m proud to be part of this team, I’m happy I can help.

My favourite players has always been Marshall, he was a great jumper, I faced him in this season, it has been a pleasure to play against him. Also the players of the italian national team helped to make me love this sport.

I love to read, especially in winter, but my real love is volleyball.

I’m changed, I matured, I grew up, especially with the games in the Superleague, I hope to continue on this road”.