Pallavolo Supervolley, historical magazine of volley in Italy, is back out, after 3 years and a half.
100 pages of pure volleyball, the best volleyball in the world. In the first numer Ivan Zaytsev is on the cover, with interviews to Jovana Bakocevic and Valentina Diouf. In the issue of march Pallavolo Supervolley will have an interview with Uros Kovacevic.

Nikola Grbic after wednesday’s loss: “We did not win first set, too bad, we had a lot of chances to earn some points, because of our job down the net, serve and a good system in defence. They won the first set because of their good job. I’m disappointed with this, we played a good first set, we cannot say that if we won the first we could win the game, but it’s disappointing we did not took home those set”.