Osmany Juantorena won the Gazzetta Trophy 2017, a trophy which awards the best player of regular season.

Juantorena said: “it’s an honour for me, I showed continuity all season long, a trphy which gives me the strength to go ahead and continuing to improve, looking forward to the next upcoming games. Thanks to Gazzetta dello Sport and all my teammates who gave me the chance to win this trophy”
Juantorena is the fourth player of Lube to win this trophy,  Wout Wijsmans (2003), Ivan Miljkovic (2006) and Ivan Zaytsev (2013).

Final standings of Trofeo Gazzetta 2017:

104: Osmany Juantorena,

97: Kovacevic, Sokolov,

90: Sabbi,

89: Giannelli,

80: De Cecco,

78: Miskevich,

75: Vettori,

72: Hernandez,

70: Torres,

68: Podrascanin,

67: Ngapeth, Djuric,

61: Zaytsev,

58: Stankovic, Fromm, Atanasijevic,

57: Christenson,

56: Maar,

54: Clevenot,

53: Fei, Rafael,

51: Urnaut,

50: Kadu,

49: Van Garderen,

44: Maruotti,

43: Coscione, Holt,

42: Sottile, Berger, Baranowicz,

41: Rosso, Lanza, Hirsch, Stokr,

39: Lyneel,

37: Petric, Michalovic

36: Orduna,

35: Marshall,

34: Giannotti,

33: Russell, Solè, Hierrezuelo, Spirito,

32: Anzani,

31: Verhees,

30: Le Roux, Rossi,

27:Van de Voorde, Geiler,

26: Botto, Zingel,

25: Cester, Nelli, Gitto,

24: Ricci, Jovovic,

23: Shaw, Rejlek,

22: Klinkenberg,

21: Cebulj, Ferreira,

20: Sbertoli,

19: Volpato, Starovic, Seganov, Candellaro, Beretta,

18: Gotsev, Costa,

17: Piano, Bossi, Kaliberda, Vitelli,

16: Birarelli,

15: Hoag, De Pandis, Olteanu, Yosifov,

14: Papi, Kovar, Mazzone, Dzavoronik,

13: Antonov, Polo, Lecat, Barone, Skrimov,

12: Vissotto,

11: Buti, Colaci,

10: Parodi, Fedrizzi, Thiago, Averill, Milan, Dennis,

9: Grebennikov, Randazzo, Mengozzi, Grozdanov, Tondo, Rizzo, Tencati,

8: Galassi, Alletti, Penchev, Thiago Alves,

7: Rossini, Marra,

6: Cook, Goi, Massari, Adamajtis,

5: Zoppellari, Di Martino, Marretta, Corvetta, Daldello, Kalinin,. Tiozzo,

4: Tosi, Cortina, Giovi, Leite, Balaso,

3: Mattei, De Marchi, Sperandio,

2: Izzo, Pesaresi,

1: De Togni, Della Lunga, Diamantini.

Gazzetta Trophy:
1973 Barbieri; 1974, 1975 e 1976 Karov; 1977 Lanfranco; 1978 Koudelka; 1979 Lanfranco; 1980 Nekola; 1981 Bertoli; 1982 Kim Ho Chul; 1983 Dall’Olio; 1984 Hovland; 1985 Vullo; 1986 De Rocco; 1987 Anastasi; 1988 Conte; 1989 Quiroga; 1990 e 1991 Conte; 1992 Giani; 1993 Cherednik; 1994 Stork; 1995 e 1996 Fomin; 1997 Van der Meulen; 1998 Pascual; 1999 Sartoretti; 2000 Iakovlev; 2001 Sartoretti; 2002 Zlatanov; 2003 Wijsmans; 2004 Simeonov; 2005 Swiderski; 2006 Miljkovic; 2007 Anderson Rodrigues; 2008 Zlatanov; 2009 Rivaldo; 2010 Dennis; 2011 Wijsmans; 2012 Fei; 2013 Zaytsev; 2014 Atanasijevic; 2015 Atanasijevic; 2016 Hernandez, 2017 Juantorena