Castellana Grotte will start from Roma versus Club Italia Crai Roma the challenge of Pool Salvezza, fighting for 10 games to avoid the relegation in Serie B, tomorrow at 18 at Palazzetto dello sport of piazza Apollodoro.
Will be 10 finals for Castellana Grotte.

1st round Pool Salvezza Serie A2 UnipolSai

Saturday 11th february 2017, -18.00

Club Italia Crai Roma – Castellana Grotte live on Lega Volley Channel


Video Check: Caponi

Standings Pool Salvezza

Basi Grafiche Geosat Lagonegro 22, Pool Libertas Cantù 17, Centrale del Latte McDonald’s Brescia 17, Sieco Service Ortona 14, GoldenPlast Potenza Picena 13, Videx Grottazzolina 10, Castellana Grotte 9, Aurispa Alessano 9, Sol Lucernari Montecchio Maggiore 7, Club Italia Crai Roma 2