Born in 1996, Marco Lucarelli is grew up in the Sora youth leagues, and now in Unipolsai Superleague is one of the idols of the fans.

Marco Lucarelli tell us something of you.

“I’m a simple quite calm guy, I love to hung out with the people. I made of sport my life, I want to reach my goals, without forget from where I come from”.

Your passion for volleyball?

“I started playing volleyball 7 years ago. I was playing football, and once start playing volleyball I fell in love with this sport. I would love to grow up technically and tactically, I would love to be a milestonefor a team”


Your first game?

“I was 15 year old, I was not a spiker, but a middle blocker! We played versus Tuscania, with the Under 16, and we lost. I played a lot of roles, but spiker was my role”.

Your nickname?

““bello de nonna”, or  “bomber” or “Lucao”, in a brasilian way! ”.


Passions and hobby?

“Volleyball is my life, but I like to play at playstation…I love sport in general, football and tennis above all. I’m a fan of Djokovic”.


Describe tourself with three words:

“funny, sincer, humil”.


What you would change, in you?

“Would be 10cm ta, and would be less good..sometimes it needs!”


Who’s the person that made you grow up?

“coach Maurizio Colucci for sure, I grew up with him in the youth teams. I am who I am because of him”.



“playing, maybe outside Italy. I would have the chance to travel meeting new people and new cultures”.