On tomorrow Kemas Lamipel Santa Croce will play on the road versus Caloni Agnelli Bergamo, in the 2nd round of Unipolsai Serie A2 Pool Promozione. On sunday Bergamo won on the road 3-1 on Tuscania, showing their strength, but with Tuscania without setter Pinelli.

On the other hand Kemas Lamipel Santa Croce lost at home at the tie break, defeated by VBC Mondovì in a tight game.
For all the teams there’s no time to cry and think to wins or losses, the calendar is forcing the teams to three games in eight days, so for Kemas Lamipel Santa Croce a chance to forget the tie break loss and focus on the next road challenge in Bergamo. And after tomorrow’s game, Lupi will face at PalaParenti Monini Spoleto, another contender to the step in Superleague.