After clinching the spot in the Pool Promozione, Sigma Aversa will host next friday at PalaJacazzi powerhouse Emmas Villas Siena, fresh winner of the Del Monte Italian Cup Serie A2

Sigma Technical Director Ignazio Nappa, Federal coach and Executive FIPAV, introduced the friday’game at PalaJacazzi: “on friday we will face one team who can play easily in Superleague. We will need to step on the court without fear, with confidence and with the consciuosness to be able to do something important. We will fight until the end, this game will be a great volleyball spot. In the previous game in this season Emmas Villas defeated us only at the tie break, and we hade some chances to win. Never say never, in sport, we have to fight on every ball and in every play, and in the end we’ll see”.