Sir Safety Perugia is continuing working in the gym, approaching next opponent Belgorod which is waiting Sir Sicoma Colussi next wednesday in Russia, 4th round of Champions League Pool E.

Intense program for coach Lorenzo Bernardi and staff, preparing this crucial game between two contenders for the final win in the competition.

At Sport Palace Cosmos in Belgorod will be a battle, Emanuele Birarelli speaks about this challenge:
“we have to take advantage of this kind of weeks, where we are able to work in the gym. We don’t have to think about why we are not in Bologna at the Del Monte Italian Cup Final Four, we only have to focus on hard work in practice, working on physical and technical strength.
We will have a long road trip to Belgorod, the weather and the contest will be different for us, the staff and the front office is working hard to give us all the comforts, because after this game we’ll face Lube at home for the Superleague.
We want to win in russia, we would take advantage of this, gaining confidence toward the game versus Civitanova, as Lorenzo Bernardi says, we want to win to show we deserve the Final Four in Rome. Belgorod is a top team with two top class players as Muserskiy and Tetyukhin, they made history of russian volleyball, no questions on the their quality.
We have to play a mind game, not only a powerful and physical game. They have some big men in the middle, they can block  so high upon the net, we have to be smart”.