“Final Four of Del Monte Italian Cup are so important and long waited -DS of Lube Civitanova Giuseppe Cormio said- we arrived in good shape in this part of the season. We’ll play a great team as LPR Piacenza, a team who can put every team in trouble. I think we are here in our best moment, we have confidence and enthusiasm, we will be followed in Bologna by hundreds of fans”.

“This event will be great for all the fans -Cormio said- any championship in the world express this level of volleyball, in these two days we’ll have two ‘media players’ like Juantorena and Ngapeth, two famous players, but we’ll also check the progress of some other players who can be the key of the future of italian and world volleyball. There will be sold out, 10.000 people, this is a target.
Another target is that top and young players arrive here, grow up and stay here, and who will leave Superleague will do it for some personal reasons.
It’s difficult for me to think how to improve my team, we have plenty of top players. In Superleague some players left, but came back, as Osmany Juantorena and Tsvetan Sokolov”. 

“In this Del Monte Italian Cup -explain Cormio- we’ll play aiming for the win, obviously, we have alot of players who played at top level, but apart Stankovic, Juantorena and Sokolov, the others never won somethin with the club. We are motivated, starting from the coach, to win this Cup. We have enthusiasm, so let’s see what will happen on saturday versus Piacenza”