13a giornata di ritorno SuperLega UnipolSai

Revivre Milano-Sir Safety Conad Perugia 0-3 (17-25, 17-25, 23-25); Diatec Trentino-Exprivia Molfetta 3-0 (25-14, 25-18, 25-23); Tonno Callipo Calabria Vibo Valentia-Top Volley Latina 3-1 (27-25, 29-27, 20-25, 25-23); Calzedonia Verona-Kioene Padova 3-0 (25-15, 25-19, 25-20); LPR Piacenza-Gi Group Monza 2-3 (18-25, 22-25, 28-26, 25-17, 12-15); Biosì Indexa Sora-Bunge Ravenna 0-3 (21-25, 20-25, 18-25)

Thursday 23rd february 2017, – 20.30

Cucine Lube Civitanova – Azimut Modena Live on RAI Sport 1

streaming on www.raisport.rai.it


Video Check: Morganti

LPR Piacenza – Gi Group Monza 2-3 (18-25, 22-25, 28-26, 25-17, 12-15) – LPR Piacenza: Hierrezuelo 6, Marshall 5, Di Martino 7, Hernandez Ramos 28, Zlatanov 4, Yosifov 11, Papi (L), Cottarelli 0, Parodi 9, Clevenot 6. DNP Alletti, Tencati, Tzioumakas. Coach Giuliani. Gi Group Monza: Jovovic 0, Botto 8, Beretta 9, Vissotto Neves 23, Fromm 3, Verhees 10, Rizzo (L), Galliani 1, Brunetti 1, Daldello 1, Dzavoronok 16, Hirsch 1. DNP Terpin. Coach Falasca. REFEREES: Pasquali, Goitre mauro carlo. NOTES – sets: 21′, 27′, 29′, 25′, 20′; tot: 122′. Attendence: 2.225. MVP Donovan Dzavoronok

Before the start, the awards for Aimone Alletti (100 aces in Regular Season), Leo Marshall (4000 points and 3000 attacks) and Simone Parodi (2000 attacks). It was a tight game in first two sets Zlatanov Di Martino and Papi on court, who suffered the not perfect chemistry, and Piacenza lost 18-25 and 22-25, down two sets to nothing. In third Lpr reacted, with Parodi and Clevenot on court, coming back and winning the third set 28-26, thanks also to the power of Hernandez. In fourth Piacenza stepped up and won easily the set 25-17. In tie break it was a balanced start until 4-4. Then Monza stepped up and won the fifth 15-12 witha winning point of Dzavoronok, who sealed the participation of Monza to the playoff. For Hernandez great performance, overtook Sabbi in the Top scorers Standings.

Leandro Vissotto (Gi Group Monza): “Play Offs were our target starting the season, we had an high and lows second part of the season, playing well with big teams and struggling versus our level teams. On tonight we knew it would be difficult, we started a bit nervous, it wasn’t one of our best games, but the most important thing is that we clinched the playoff spot.

Gabriele Di Martino (LPR Piacenza): “We had a bad start. we weren’t in rhythm. We’ve been back in game thanks to a couple of aces of Hernandez, we answered to the words of coach Giuliani. Personally I’m happy I played all the match, I was coming from a 5 months stop because of an knee injury, I’m improving day after day, I’m happy”.

Calzedonia Verona – Kioene Padova 3-0 (25-15, 25-19, 25-20) – Calzedonia Verona: Baranowicz 4, Kovacevic 7, Anzani 8, Djuric 17, Ferreira 11, Zingel 4, Frigo (L), Randazzo 4, Giovi (L), Stern 3, Paolucci 0. DNP Lecat, Mengozzi. Coach Grbic. Kioene Padova: Shaw 1, Maar 7, Averill 7, Giannotti 16, Milan 2, Volpato 5, Fedrizzi 2, Balaso (L), Bassanello (L), Koncilja 0, Zoppellari 0. DNP Link, Sestan. Coach Baldovin. REFEREES: Boris, Sobrero. NOTES – sets: 21′, 24′, 25′; tot: 70′. MVP: Djuric

Calzedonia Verona and Kioene Padova, the derby of Veneto. Despite the tie break loss versus Lube, Nikola Grbic’s team showed they are playing very well under the serbian coach. No history in first set, with Verona winner 25-15, in second Padova fought back, sataying in the set until the crunch time, where Verona took a good break, winning the second 25-19. The third was such a copy of the second, with PAdova in the game until the second part of the set, and with Verona who stepped up in the crunch time, winning the set 25-20 and winning the game. A good team win for Calzedonia, always focused and determined in the key moments of the game. With Nikola Grbic the team stepped up, reaching the elite of the Superleague, and will be difficult to face them in the upcoming playoffs. For Padova the best scorer was Giannotti with 16 points. MVP Mitar Djuric.

Valerio Baldovin (Kioene Padova): “Verona played very well, the did not committed mistakes and putting on us a big pressure. We were introuble with the combo block-defence, they were great. We’ll play last game of regular season versus Sora, we have to give our best in front of our fans, they deserve it”.

Nikola Grbic (Calzedonia Verona): “The game could become difficult, we know them, we played each other a lot of times in last two months. In last weeks we worked alot in practice, and could happens we fall in relax. But we played a perfectr game, it was a maturity proof”.

Diatec Trentino – Exprivia Molfetta 3-0 (25-14, 25-18, 25-23) – Diatec Trentino: Giannelli 3, Urnaut 14, Solé 8, Stokr 12, Lanza 8, Mazzone D. 4, Chiappa (L), Colaci (L), Nelli 1, Van De Voorde 0. DNP Blasi, Antonov, Mazzone T., Burgsthaler. Coach Lorenzetti. Exprivia Molfetta: Pontes Veloso 1, De Barros Ferreira 6, Polo 6, Sabbi 9, Olteanu 7, Vitelli 3, Porcelli (L), Del Vecchio 2, De Pandis (L), Jimenez 1, Partenio 0. DNP. Leite Costa, Hendriks. Coach. Gulinelli. REFEREES: Frapiccini, Pozzato. NOTES – sets: 20′, 25′, 28′; tot: 73′. Attendence: 2.703. MVP: Sebastian Solé

Last regular season game for Diatec Trentino, staying perfect at PalaTrento with this clear win versus Exprivia Molfetta. 13th win in a row in front of the home fans, a perfect season until now for Angelo Lorenzetti’s team. Only Gi Group Monza forced to tie break Trento at home, 38 points on 39 for Diatec, in a great home turf season. Molfetta struggled in staying at the same level of Trento, fighting for real only in third set, concluded with an ace by Gabriele Nelli. A perfect game for all the team, SebastainSolè was the MVP because of great aces in key moments of the game, but all the players of Trento were great. Molfetta lost the game and the chance to participate to the post season. For Exprivia a bad performance, only Sabbi and Olteanu played a good game.

Sebastian Solé (Diatec Trentino): “We played a good game, our target was to win, and we accomplished, without losing one set. With the serve we had some great moments in first two sets, while in the third we grabbed the win with the heart. Now let’s think to next game versus Monza, this game will decide our final placing”.

Giulio Sabbi (Exprivia Molfetta): “In first two sets Trento crushed us, confirming they are great at PalaTrento. In third set we reacted, we played better but it wasn’t enough. We knew it would be difficult to reach playoffs in this season, now we will focus on playoff for fifth place”.

Revivre Milano – Sir Safety Conad Perugia 0-3 (17-25, 17-25, 23-25) – Revivre Milano: Sbertoli 2, Hoag 10, De Togni 1, Adamajtis 9, Skrimov 9, Galassi 6, Marretta (L), Cortina (L), Rudi 0, Galaverna 0. DNP. Tondo, Nielsen, Boninfante. Coach Monti. Sir Safety Conad Perugia: De Cecco 7, Zaytsev 9, Podrascanin 7, Atanasijevic 18, Russell 10, Buti 3, Bari (L), Tosi (L), Della Lunga 0, Franceschini 1. DNP Birarelli, Berger, Mitic, Chernokozhev. Coach Bernardi. REFEREES: Gnani, Zavater. NOTES – sets: 21′, 21′, 28′; tot: 70′. Attendence: 4.087. MVP: Luciano De Cecco (Sir Safety Conad Perugia).

It was a great show on tonight at PalaYamamay for last regular season’s game for Revivre Milano, defeated 3-0 by Sir Safety Conad Perugia in front of 4087 fans. It was a perfect game for Lorenzo Bernardi’s team, with some classy plays by De Cecco and Atanasijevic, 6 points in the first and 7 in the second for the serbian hammer. For Milano a good game for polish opposite Adamajtis. In third set the game is more balanced, with Revivre in front 9-4. Sir fought back taking the lead on 13-11. Milano fought back and reached the tie at 20 with one ace of Hoag. On 24-23 Atanasijevic put an ace on the ground, and Perugia won the game 3-0. MVP Luciano De Cecco, in a great moment of shape in this part of the season.

Giorgio De Togni (Revivre Milano): “Perugia had a great start, they put us in trouble with the serve. In third they gave us a break with the serve, we served and played better, fighting point by point. They are used to play some points under big pressure and in the end they won. We played some good volleyball, we hope to do it again on sunday versus Latina, we’ll try to took home some points, looking forward to fifth place playoffs”.

Luciano De Cecco (Sir Safety Conad Perugia): “It was important for us to come here in Milano and to win without losing one set. We did it playing well, remaining on course for second place. We’ll play Verona in front of our fans, we’ll try to do our best, let’s see what will be our final placing in the standings”.

Biosì Indexa Sora – Bunge Ravenna 0-3 (21-25, 20-25, 18-25) – Biosì Indexa Sora: Seganov 1, Kalinin 2, Gotsev 6, Miskevich 10, Rosso 9, Mattei 5, Corsetti (L), Marrazzo 0, Santucci (L), Sperandio 0, Tiozzo 2, Lucarelli 0. DNP Mauti, De Marchi. Coach Bagnoli. Bunge Ravenna: Spirito 1, Van Garderen 15, Bossi 5, Torres 14, Lyneel 12, Ricci 6, Goi (L). DNP Grozdanov, Calarco, Leoni, Kaminski, Raffaelli, Marchini. Coach Soli. REFEREES: Bartolini, Oranelli. NOTES – sets: 22′, 24′, 24′; tot: 70′. MVP: Van Garderen.

Last game of Regular Season at PalaGlobo “Luca Polsinelli” for Sora, and it was a win for Bunge Ravenna on BioSì Indexa. Sora salutes in a not so enthusiastic way its fans, a bad loss versus Ravenna. Sora will play on road on sunday in Padova versus Kioene. It was a good win for Ravenna, another good step for them in this season, they are still on course to reach the playoffs, it depends all from last game next sunday. Tonno Callipo won today versus Latina, remaining down three points from Ravenna, and the match between Vibo and Ravenna next sunday at PAla De Andrè will decide all the future for these two teams. It was a balanced game early in the first set, decided in the end, won by Bunge 25-21. Coach Bagnoli tried to put on the court Tiozzo in place of Kalinin, but Ravenna was always focvused and careful in defence, winning also the second set 25-20. Ravenna, thanks to a great Van Garderen (MVP of the game) and Torres, was almost perfect also in third, winning set and game, bringing to Romagna three precious points.

Bruno Bagnoli (BioSì Indexa Sora): “Today we suffered the mental energies we lost in the game versus Vibo. Ravenna deserved to win but we played under our standards. We were good in reception and in the middle, but we weren’t effective in attack and in the serve, they weren’t in trouble with our serve, so they built some good chances”.

Fabio Soli (Bunge Ravenna): “I’m happy to be back in Sora, my home for two years. It was special for me, it was great to meet old friends, it was emotional form me. We played a good game, we earned three important points, and it wasn’t easy, it’s never easy here. Sora showed to be an important reality, without fear for anyone. I’m happy for the result, and happy to see some good friends”.

Tonno Callipo Calabria Vibo Valentia – Top Volley Latina 3-1 (27-25, 29-27, 20-25, 25-23) – Tonno Callipo Calabria Vibo Valentia: Coscione 3, Geiler 17, Costa 9, Michalovic 22, Barreto Silva 19, Diamantini 9, Torchia (L), Marra (L), Rejlek 1, Barone 0, Izzo 0. DNP Alves Soares, Maccarone, Corrado. Coach Kantor. Top Volley Latina: Sottile 1, Maruotti 14, Rossi 16, Fei 17, Klinkenberg 13, Gitto 14, Fanuli (L), Strugar 0, Ishikawa (L), Pistolesi 0, Penchev 0. DNP Quintana Guerra. Coach Bagnoli. REFEREES: Cipolla, Tanasi. NOTES – sets: 29′, 32′, 24′, 28′; tot: 113′. Attendence: 600. Mvp: Davide Marra

Tonno Callipo Calabria Vibo Valentia still on track for playoff, by winning 3-1 versus Top Volley Latina. Great game for Waldo Kantor’s team, especially for Geiler (17 points and 6 aces for the frenchman), Michalovic (22 punti) and for MVP libero Davide Marra, perfect in reception and in defence. Bagnoli’s team made alot of mistakes, and with this loss they abandoned the dreams of playoffs, despite the good game for the middle blockers Gitto and Rossi. Vibo won first set 27-25, in second it was a big fight, won again by Tonno Callipo with an ace by Kadu on 29-27. Latina reacted and won the third, but in the fourth a great comeback for Vibo gave the win to Tonno Callipo.

Davide Marra (Tonno Callipo Calabria Vibo Valentia): “We can play everything in Ravenna next sunday, it will be a no tomorrow game, the game of the season. We won this game, Latina is a big team, always playing at top level. Let’s go to Ravenna and let’s see what will happen”.

Andrea Rossi (Top Volley Latina): “I cannot understand what happened in first set, we were in front of 10 points and we lost the set, we wasted alot of chances, we are disappointed because we were played well. Let’s start again with new targets”.


Cucine Lube Civitanova 64, Diatec Trentino 59, Sir Safety Conad Perugia 59, Azimut Modena 50, Calzedonia Verona 50, LPR Piacenza 40, Gi Group Monza 34, Bunge Ravenna 32, Tonno Callipo Calabria Vibo Valentia 29, Top Volley Latina 26, Exprivia Molfetta 25, Biosì Indexa Sora 20, Kioene Padova 19, Revivre Milano 15.

Last game of Regular Season

UnipolSai Superleague

Saturday 25th february 2017, – 18.00

Bunge Ravenna – Tonno Callipo Calabria Vibo Valentia live on RAI Sport 1

streaming on www.raisport.rai.it

(La Micela-Saltalippi F.)

Video Check: Marchetti Segnapunti: Risi

Sunday 26th february 2017, -18.00

Gi Group Monza – Diatec Trentino Live on RAI Sport 1

streaming on www.raisport.rai.it


Video Check: Salvemini

Exprivia Molfetta – Cucine Lube Civitanova live on Lega Volley Channel


Video Check: Mancini

Sir Safety Conad Perugia – Calzedonia Verona live on Lega Volley Channel


Video Check: Giulietti

Top Volley Latina – Revivre Milano live on Lega Volley Channel

(Saltalippi L.-Santi)

Video Check: Diana

Azimut Modena – LPR Piacenza live on Lega Volley Channel


Video Check: Clemente

Kioene Padova – Biosì Indexa Sora live on Lega Volley Channel


Video Check: Iosca

Serie A2 UnipolSai

Pool Promozione and Pool Salvezza.

4th round Unipolsai Serie A2 Pool Promozione

VBC Mondovì-BCC Castellana Grotte 0-3 (20-25, 15-25, 20-25) Diretta Lega Volley Channel; Ceramica Globo Civita Castellana-Maury’s Italiana Assicurazioni Tuscania 1-3 (25-23, 28-30, 19-25, 22-25)

Thursday 23rd february 2017, – 20.30

Conad Reggio Emilia – Kemas Lamipel Santa Croce live on Lega Volley Channel


Video Check: Tundo

Monini Spoleto – Sigma Aversa live on Lega Volley Channel


Video Check: Colucci

Wednesday 1st march 2017, – 20.30

Caloni Agnelli Bergamo – Emma Villas Siena live on Lega Volley Channel


Video Check: Conti

Ceramica Globo Civita Castellana – Maury’s Italiana Assicurazioni Tuscania 1-3 (25-23, 28-30, 19-25, 22-25) – Ceramica Globo Civita Castellana: Marchiani 5, Preti 22, Valsecchi 10, Banderò 20, Marinelli 9, Celic 6, Sacripanti 0, Saturnino (L), Cicola (L), Ippolito 2, Pellegrino 0. DNP. Bortolozzo, Gaia. Coach Spanakis. Maury’s Italiana Assicurazioni Tuscania: Talarico 2, Ottaviani 6, Sesto 15, De Souza 8, Mazzon 7, Calonico 11, Pieri (L), Marchisio (L), Buzzelli 9, Shavrak 16, Bondini 0. DNP Vitangeli. Coach Montagnani. REFEREES: Di blasi giuseppe maria, Grassia. NOTES – sets: 32′, 37′, 26′, 31′; tot: 126′.

VBC Mondovì – BCC Castellana Grotte 0-3 (20-25, 15-25, 20-25) – VBC Mondovì: Cortellazzi 1, Bolla 0, Parusso 6, Paoletti 11, Manassero 4, Picco 6, Garelli (L), Prandi (L), Cattaneo 2, Menardo 3. DNP Turco, Miola, Perla. Coach Barisciani. BCC Castellana Grotte: Garnica 4, Moreira 14, Ferraro 6, Cazzaniga 8, Canuto 10, Presta 8, Pace (L), Cavaccini (L), De Santis 0. DNP Quarta, Scio, Barbone, Astarita, Parisi. Coach Lorizio. REFEREES: Talento, Autuori. NOTES – sets: 25′, 22′, 25′; tot: 72′.


BCC Castellana Grotte 26, Emma Villas Siena 23, Monini Spoleto 22, Caloni Agnelli Bergamo 19, VBC Mondovì 18, Maury’s Italiana Assicurazioni Tuscania 17, Ceramica Globo Civita Castellana 16, Conad Reggio Emilia 13, Kemas Lamipel Santa Croce 9, Sigma Aversa 8.

3a giornata di andata Pool Salvezza Serie A2 UnipolSai

Basi Grafiche Geosat Lagonegro-Sol Lucernari Montecchio Maggiore 1-3 (25-19, 23-25, 11-25, 11-25); GoldenPlast Potenza Picena-Materdominivolley.it Castellana Grotte 3-1 (25-21, 20-25, 25-20, 27-25); Club Italia Crai Roma-Pool Libertas Cantù 2-3 (25-27, 25-23, 16-25, 25-21, 6-15)

Thursday 23rd february 2017, – 20.30

Sieco Service Ortona – Videx Grottazzolina live on Lega Volley Channel


Video Check: Mastronicola

Aurispa Alessano – Centrale del Latte McDonald’s Brescia live on Lega Volley Channel


Video Check: Scarnera

Club Italia Crai Roma – Pool Libertas Cantù 2-3 (25-27, 25-23, 16-25, 25-21, 6-15) – Club Italia Crai Roma: Maccabruni 3, Margutti 12, Russo 11, Baldazzi 20, Gardini 15, Caneschi 5, Rondoni (L), Piccinelli (L), Baciocco 0, Tofoli 1. DNP Imbesi, Garofolo, Beltrami. Coach Totire. Pool Libertas Cantù: Gerosa 1, Cominetti 2, Alborghetti 4, Alexandre De Oliveira 33, Richards 16, Monguzzi 10, Riva 9, Butti (L), Boffi (L). DNP Laneri, Olivati, Mazza, Cordano. Coach Della rosa. REFEREES: Cappelletti, Nicolazzo. NOTE – durata set: 30′, 29′, 21′, 27′, 13′; tot: 120′.

GoldenPlast Potenza Picena – Materdominivolley.it Castellana Grotte 3-1 (25-21, 20-25, 25-20, 27-25) – GoldenPlast Potenza Picena: Visentin 1, Bellini 16, Biglino 8, Argenta 32, Zonca 12, Codarin 3, Lazzaretto 0, Casulli (L), Bucciarelli 4, Colarusso 0, Cristofaletti 1. DNP Marcovecchio. Coach Di Pinto. Materdominivolley.it Castellana Grotte: Buzzelli 1, Fiore 16, Scopelliti 4, Bellei 27, Lavia 10, Sighinolfi 9, Catania (L), Primavera (L), Disabato 0, Longo 0. DNP Casoli, Gargiulo, Losco, Lacatena. Coach Fanizza. REFEREES: Brancati, Saltalippi. NOTES – sets: 27′, 24′, 24′, 30′; tot: 105′.

Basi Grafiche Geosat Lagonegro – Sol Lucernari Montecchio Maggiore 1-3 (25-19, 23-25, 11-25, 11-25) – Basi Grafiche Geosat Lagonegro: Piazza 3, Galabinov 9, Giosa 8, Kvalen 15, Boscaini 7, Cubito 6, Fortunato (L), Maiorana (L), Zonno 1, Da Silva 1, Gabriele 2, Boesso 0. DNP Pizzichini. Coach Falabella. Sol Lucernari Montecchio Maggiore: Mariella 1, Nowakowski 10, Frizzarin 12, Pranovi 16, Mercorio 25, Giglioli 6, Bertelle 0, Battocchio (L), Lollato (L). DNP Cortese. Coach Marconi. REFEREES: Palumbo, De sensi danilo. NOTES – sets: 25′, 30′, 21′, 21′; tot: 97′.


Basi Grafiche Geosat Lagonegro 25, Centrale del Latte McDonald’s Brescia 20, Pool Libertas Cantù 19, GoldenPlast Potenza Picena 19, Sieco Service Ortona 18, Videx Grottazzolina 15, Aurispa Alessano 15, Sol Lucernari Montecchio Maggiore 13, Materdominivolley.it Castellana Grotte 12, Club Italia Crai Roma 3.

Next Round

5th round Unipolsai Serie A2 Pool Promozione

Saturday 25th February 2017, – 20.30

BCC Castellana Grotte – Caloni Agnelli Bergamo live on Lega Volley Channel


Video Check: Ayroldi

Maury’s Italiana Assicurazioni Tuscania – VBC Mondovì live on Lega Volley Channel


Video Check: Caponi

Sunday 26th february 2017, – 18.00

Emma Villas Siena – Monini Spoleto live on Lega Volley Channel


Video Check: Gianninò

Kemas Lamipel Santa Croce – Ceramica Globo Civita Castellana live on Lega Volley Channel


Video Check: Fontini

Sunday 26th february 2017, – 19.30

Sigma Aversa – Conad Reggio Emilia live on Lega Volley Channel

(Di Bari-Autuori)

Video Check: Tartaglione

4th round Unipolsai Serie A2 Pool Salvezza

Saturday 25th february 2017, – 20.30

Sol Lucernari Montecchio Maggiore – GoldenPlast Potenza Picena live on Lega Volley Channel


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