Emmas Villas Siena will start its Pool Promozione campaign next saturday at 18 versus Conad Reggio Emilia, so versus Yvan Arthur Kody and coach Francesco Dall’Olio, one of the symbols of italian volleyball.


Conad Reggio Emilia totalized 30 points in regular season, 10 good for Pool Promozione, while Emmas Villas Siena will start from 17, atop the Pool Promozione’s standings together with Spoleto

Emma Villas Siena’s coach, Paolo Tofoli, said: “Pool Promozione is starting, and in next week we’ll face the best teams of Serie A2. Reggio Emilia is a good team, we need to play at 100%, playing every three days,and will not be easy. Their best player is Kody, we will need to guard him, he grew up alot in last season. But all the team of Reggio Emilia is strong with Dolfo, Silva, the setter Soli, and the middle blockers. We will need to be aggressive to put them in troubles starting from the serve. We want to step up, sometimes we make some mistakes, we have to improve down the net, in defence and in the side out”.

Tofoli speaks also about Conad Coach: “when a was a kid, Pupo Dall’Olio was my idol, I would love to be a great setter like him, he has been a great setter and a reat coach, it’s a pleasure for me to meet him”.

In Pool Promozione the season ticket holders will have access to the games.