Coach Piazza: “Players had a long chat after the loss versus Trento in Del Monte Italian Cup, is it important? I think that speeches are not so important, I’m happy that guys had this debate, but in my opinion the most important thing is to answer on the court.

In Craiova the players answered in the best way possible, the team played a good game, but we need to grow up in the little things.

Sunday in Verona will be tough, right there the players need to answer, those game will be important, as the next four games until Trento. Verona, Monza, Molfetta and Belchatow. In each of those games we need to grow up. How much is important for Modena the serve? I don’t lime to say thate we “depend” from our serve, but in this fundamental we can be very good, and in Verona we need to play an high level game”.

PREVIOUS MATCHES: 25 (4 Verona, 21 Modena)

FORMER PLAYERS: Michele Baranowicz, Modena in 2012-2013, Uros Kovacevic, Modena 2012/2015, Maxwell Philip Holt, Verona 2009-2010.


In Regular Season: Uros Kovacevic – 7 points to 1000 (Calzedonia Verona).

In Campionato: Uros Kovacevic – 2 blocks to 100, Stefano Mengozzi – 1 block to  400 (Calzedonia Verona).

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