The opener of Under 14 Boy League will take place in Monza next weekend. Defending champs Bunge Ravenna will be present. In Group D the boys of coaches Valerio Minguzzi and Fabio Forte will play G Group Monza and Revivre Milan.
Starting at 11 at Palazzetto dello Sport in Monza we’ll have the derby Gi Group Monza-Revivre Milan, at 15 Revivre-Bunge, and at 17.30 Bunge-Gi Group.

The team:
Opposites Luca Boscherini (2003) and Noah Calisesi (2004), Middle Blockers Alessandro Bovolenta (2004), Lorenzo Perrone (2003), Giovanni Santoni (2003) and Filippo Evangelisti (2003, from Dinamo Bellaria), setters Lorenzo Gridelli, Mattia Massaro and Lorenzo Monti (2003) and spikers Mattia Orioli (2004), Lorenzo Tomassini (2004), Giulio Valeriani (2003), Marco Zoli (2003) and Andrea Armellini (2004, from Dinamo Bellaria).

Next Boy League events will be 12th February at Segrate, and 5th March at Ravenna

Ufficio stampa Porto Robur Costa – Vincenzo Benini