Tofoli’s men earned a Sunday rest thanks to their quarter-final series won in two games against Siena, with the return match on the road. They’re all back to business to prepare for the semi-finals series against Sora, second in the regular season, to be played on the best of five games. Soli’s men cruised to the semis thanks to a double 3-0 win over Potenza Picena.
“The right word to define our situation is ‘opportunity’ – said sport director Cappelli – The team, club and fans know this has been a thrilling season so far that went beyond all expectations. But now we’re here we have to go for it, like I said, this is an opportunity. An opportunity given to the boys, who are almost all of them experiencing their first Serie A playoffs. A great experience for us too as a club and for the fans who will have the opportunity to see their city and region fight for a place in the final”.