Milan’s setter Riccardo Sbertoli, who had particiapted in a camp in May with the Italian National team senior, was selected by coach Michele Totire for another camp with Italy’s Under 23, which will begin on July 12 in Darfo Boario Terme. On July 19, the team will travel to Turkey to play a series of friendly games. The return is scheduled on July 22 when the group will take part in another camp in Rome until the 26.

The other players picked are: Argenta Andrea (Club Italia), Balasio Fabio (Tonazzo Padova), Cavuto Oreste (Volley Potentino), Esposito Davide (Maury’s Tuscania), Leoni Giacomo (Tonazzo Padova), Mazzone Tiziano (Volley Trentino), Milan Sebastiano (Tonazzo Padova), Pierotti Marco (Volley Potentino), Polo Alberto (CMC Romagna), Raffaelli Giacomo (Emma Villas Siena), Vitelli Marco (Volley Lube).