The renewal of a fighter like captain Giuseppe Ottaviani means the Montagnani era will build a defensive basis that will be a guarantee for the team. In 2014-15, Ottaviani registered 36.5% per cent of perfect reception out of 611 played, he was the best in that category. He was a true hero of the two year spent in the B1 division, which ended with the promotion in the A2. Last year he has not been as influential as he would have liked because of a series of physical problems but this is undeniably a player that will be very useful to Montagnani.

“I want to thank the club for giving me the chance to stay for another year – said Ottaviani – I think I gave a lot to this club and I received so much as well. My sport history was created in Tuscania, an ideal place to play where people really make you feel at home”.