On Thursday 21, there will be the Volley Market in Bentivoglio, near Bologna, and members of the Mondovì coaching and managerial staff will be present. On the menu, refresher courses, conferences and the release of the fixtures lists 2016-17. Mondovì already knows in which of the two groups it will be: They will battle it out with Centrale del Latte Mc Donald’s Brescia, Caloni Agnelli Bergamo, Pool Libertas Cantù (CO), Volley Tricolore Reggio Emilia, Monini Spoleto (PG), Videx Grottazzolina (AP), Ceramica Globo Civita Castellana (VT), Sol Lucernari Montecchio Maggiore (VI) and Materdominivolley.it Castellana Grotte (BA).