Latina obtained a four-set victory at the expense of the hosts of Aversa to join Sora into the final of the tournament.

Vincenzo Nacci. “We know Aversa is an excellent team that will have an excellent season. After the first two sets we had our difficulties in certain areas of the game. We lost our intensity in the fourth when we were ahead but we did a good job to seal it. When we’ll have everyone available, we’ll be more competitive, I really like this group ».

Top Volley Latina-Sigma Aversa 3-1 (25-16, 25-16, 19-25, 26-24)

Top Volley Latina: Skorenko 5, Quintana 13, Sottile 6, Maruotti 17, Gitto 12, Strugar 13; Fanuli (L), Pistolesi. DNP: Penchev, Rossi, Fei. Coach.: Nacci.

Sigma Aversa: Giacobelli 6, Santangelo 15, Hister 7, Robbiati 5, Pedro Luiz 2, Libraro 13; Rinaldi (L), Razzetto 3, Di Florio 5, De Rosas 1, Valla, Montò 1, Vacchiano (L). Coach.: Bosco