The SuperLega is a big novelty for Sora. Among the many important factors, there is the social aspect in which the club has dedicated a lot of resources. But now, there will be some big opportunities for the club as well as the region with the extension of many side activities that will be labelled Argos Volley. Here is a few works from Gino Giannetti about the socio-economical situation that will invest the city of Sora and the owner itself of the club.
“In terms of economical situation, I like to define it as the opposite of an industry. I expect the activity to attract an important number of people, who will come to stay in our city though the delight of a volleyball game. This increase of “sport tourism” can lead to the consumption of a simple drink, to the booking of a hotel of the city, to shopping in our stores. And if the occasional visitor, who rushed here for the SuperLega is satisfied, he could well come-back for other reasons that are not strictly related to volleyball”.