SuperLega UnipolSai
Unchanged at the top



Sir Safety Conad Perugia-Azimut Modena 1-3 (25-22, 22-25, 21-25, 22-25); Top Volley Latina-Exprivia Molfetta 3-1 (25-22, 23-25, 25-14, 25-19); Kioene Padova-Gi Group Monza 3-0 (26-24, 25-20, 25-23); Bunge Ravenna-Diatec Trentino 1-3 (23-25, 30-32, 30-28, 21-25); Revivre Milano-Calzedonia Verona 0-3 (21-25, 19-25, 17-25); Biosì Indexa Sora-LPR Piacenza 0-3 (25-27, 20-25, 23-25); Tonno Callipo Calabria Vibo Valentia-Cucine Lube Civitanova 0-3 (19-25, 20-25, 20-25)



SIR SAFETY CONAD PERUGIA – AZIMUT MODENA 1-3 (25-22, 22-25, 21-25, 22-25)

SIR SAFETY CONAD PERUGIA: Buti 5, Tosi (L), Chernokozhev, Russell 12, Zaytsev 10, Della Lunga 2, Mitic, Berger 5, Atanasijevic 2, De Cecco 2, Bari (L), Birarelli 5, Podrascanin 14. DNP Franceschini. Coach. Kovac.


AZIMUT MODENA: Cook, Petric 19, Orduna 1, Massari, Rossini (L), Ngapeth E 20, Le Roux 6, Piano 4, Holt 4, Vettori 17. DNP Ngapeth S, Onwuelo, Salsi. Coach. Piazza.


Modena came back from the PalaEvangelisti arena with a four-set win at the end of a spectacular game in front of four thousand supporters. Second consecutive defeat for Perugia who, just like three days ago against Trento, sprinted off the starting blocks, won the opening set, and then faded and lost. Only Podrascanin maintained a high standard throughout. Modena had the trio Ngapeth-Vettori-Petric doing the job in attack. MVP Luca Vettori (Azimut Modena)


Dore Della Lunga (Sir Safety Conad Perugia): “Now we have to admit that Modena is a better team. Sometimes it might seem luck but it isn’t. They have been better than us today, this was a quality performance from them. As for us, we just have to work. In my opinion, we did not play that bad, we played with intensity. But obviously we’d have to cut down on a few mistakes to be on the winning end ».


Luca Vettori (Azimut Modena): “It was nice to see the arena packed after all that happened in the last few days. There was a truely great atmosphere. As for the game, we did a good job of stepping up a gear at a certain point and maintain a high rhythm in spite of a few mistakes on the serve ».




REVIVRE MILANO – CALZEDONIA VERONA 0-3 (21-25, 19-25, 17-25)

REVIVRE MILANO: Cortina (L), Hoag 11, Sbertoli, Tondo 4, Nielsen 1, De Togni 2, Galassi 4, Dennis 14, Boninfante, Marretta 4. DNP Galaverna, Skrimov, Rudi, Starovic. Coach. Monti.

CALZEDONIA VERONA: Zingel 3, Kovacevic 14, Paolucci, Lecat 9, Giovi (L), Baranowicz 3, Mengozzi, Djuric 15, Anzani 7. DNP Ferreira, Holt, Frigo, Stern. Coach. Giani.


Verona was dominant in the PalaYamamay arena. Giani’s men swept Milan as it was one-way traffic from start to finish. Milan had shown some character against Piacenza but could do very little on Tuesday night. Monti’s men lost their focus easily. While Baranowicz was named MVP, Verona also had Djuric and Kovacevic (15 and 14 points) as the main architects of this win.  


Federico Marretta (Revivre Milano): “It’s been really hard today against Verona. They served very well, and they were bright on the counter. Shame we could not stay in the game because after Piacenza we all hoped we could have another good performance. We’re giving our all. We’re waiting for the injured players to get back to start over all together ».


Michele Baranowicz (Calzedonia Verona). “Our goal was to play a good game against a team that has injury worries. We played very well, we did not let them play their game, our serve worked just fine. This is an encouraging performance ahead of the games coming up. But we have to prove one match after another that we deserve to stand among the top teams. We have to respect all our opponents because this league is very difficult and nothing can be taken for granted. We did that today again, we were extremely motivated and never lost our focus ».



KIOENE PADOVA – GI GROUP MONZA 3-0 (26-24, 25-20, 25-23)

KIOENE PADOVA: Shaw 6, Giannotti 4, Balaso (L), Maar 15, Koncilja 6, Volpato 11, Milan 1, Fedrizzi 8. DNP Bassanello, Zoppellari, Canella, Link, Sestan. Coach. Baldovin.

GI GROUP MONZA: Fromm 10, Dzavoronok 7, Daldello 1, Galliani 4, Rizzo (L), Forni 1, Terpin 2, Botto 8, Verhees 5, Beretta 1, Brunetti. DNP Bucaioni. Coach. Falasca.


Padova collected three precious points by beating Monza in three sets. There were a lot of mistakes in an encounter in which the team that handled better the end of sets won it. While Monza still had Raic, Jovovic and Hirsch out, Padova had an excellent performance from setter Show and a terrific night from Volpato.  

MVP Marco Volpato (Kioene Padova)


Valerio Baldovin (coach Kioene Padova): “It’s definitely not been our best game, we had more ups and downs than usual and we struggled on the serve. Having said that, we’re very happy with tonight’s victory. Now we’ll just have to keep working hard for the next two games against Vibo Valentia and Milan, which will be as difficult as this one ».


Iacopo Botto (Gi Group Monza): “We had so many opportunities to go in front but we wasted some easy plays that turned out to be decisive. We will work on that this week to make sure it does not happen again in the future. Padova did not make as many mistakes as we did and in the end they deserved the victory ».



BIOSì INDEXA SORA – LPR PIACENZA 0-3 (25-27, 20-25, 23-25)

BIOSì INDEXA SORA: Gotsev 6, Santucci (L), Kalinin 5, Rosso 11, Mattei 5, Seganov 4, Sperandio, Miskevich 11, De Marchi. DNP Marrazzo, Corsetti, Tiozzo, Lucarelli, Mauti. Coach. Bagnoli.

LPR PIACENZA: Manià (L), Alletti 5, Papi, Marshall 14, Yosifov 3, Tencati 2, Hierrezuelo 3, Hernandez Ramos 23, Clevenot 8. DNP Parodi, Tzioumakas, Zlatanov, Cottarelli. Coach. Giuliani.


Piacenza registered a road win in straight sets but Sora gave it a good fight in each of the three sets. The hosts could well have won the first and third but Piacenza always managed to step up a gear when it mattered most. The visitors were powerful on the serve (6 aces), consistent and solid in every area of the game.

MVP Fernando Hernandez (LPR Piacenza)


Bruno Bagnoli (coach BioSì Indexa Sora): “We got off to a strong start. In the first set we spiked with efficiency and had a set point, but we could not convert, while they served very well with no less than 6 aces. In the second set, they played better, while we bounced back in the third. We had three important opportunities on easy plays and did not finish it off. We will learn from this experience which will be useful when we play teams of our level ».


Alberto Giuliani (coach LPR Piacenza): “It’s difficult to win in Sora. The excitement from the crowd and their good organization were factors that were not easy to overcome. We did it and I am satisfied with our performance ».



TOP VOLLEY LATINA – EXPRIVIA MOLFETTA 3-1 (25-22, 23-25, 25-14, 25-19)

TOP VOLLEY LATINA: Klinkenberg 13, Fei 23, Gitto 12, Sottile 2, Pistolesi, Rossi 4, Maruotti 15, Fanuli (L). DNP Caccioppola, Strugar, Quintana Guerra, Ishikawa, Penchev. Coach. Franchi.

EXPRIVIA MOLFETTA: Polo 6, Partenio, Del Vecchio 1, De Barros Ferreira 19, Pontes Veloso, Olteanu 14, Sabbi 17, De Pandis (L), Di Martino 6. DNP Vitelli, Jimenez, Porcelli, Hendriks, Cormio. Coach. Di Pinto.


Latina stopped the bleeding in an intense game against Molfetta that led to a four-set victory. A win that will put an end to the crisis on the day Marco Franchi took over on the bench and m         ade his debut in the SuperLega.

MVP Alessandro fei (Top Volley Latina)


Carmelo Gitto (Top Volley Latina): “Three very nice points. We did a great job of leaving it out on the floor. We had an excellent game. It’s not like we have gotten rid of all our problems, but this win will give us a boost for the future ».


Francesco Del Vecchio (Exprivia Molfetta): “We had ups and downs tonight. What we’re missing is better dig and counter attack. We always have things to work on, and the little time we have at our disposal should not be an excuse. We are disappointed as well for the fans who came here to support us ».




TONNO CALLIPO CALABRIA VIBO VALENTIA: Costa 5, Coscione 1, Marra (L), Geiler 2, Michalovic 12, Barreto Silva 6, Barone 6, Alves Soares 3, Diamantini 3. DNP Buzzelli, Torchia, Rejlek. Coach. Kantor.

CUCINE LUBE CIVITANOVA: Sokolov 18, Pesaresi (L), Kaliberda 1, Juantorena 9, Stankovic 9, Christenson 6, Cester 7, Grebennikov, Cebulj 6. DNP Candellaro, Casadei, Kovar, Corvetta. Coach. Blengini.


Civitanova made it seven straight victories in Vibo’s PalaValentia arena and stays top of the table tied with Modena. The hosts looked a bit shy, especially in the first set. The most prolific spiker was Sokolov with 58% and 18 points, but setter Christenson was named MVP as he looked extremely composed and did a great job of finding his middle blockers. Besides, he also had three aces. Middle blockers Stankovic and Cester did very well too, the Serbian registered 89% in attack and Cester 70% (9 and 10 points respectively).


 Waldo Kantor (coach Tonno Callipo Calabria Vibo Valentia): “We did not play loose in the first set, and we failed to convert opportunities on the counter. Then we got back on track, but today, even more than against Modena, their serve really hurt us, they had a lot of quality and power on it. We tried to play our volleyball but we wasted a lot of plays ».


Gianlorenzo Blengini (coach Cucine Lube Civitanova): “It’s never easy. The game can change on a couple of plays. The team did a good job of holding off Vibo in the second and third after winning the first set. We did well on the break with the serves of Juantorena, Christenson and Cebulj, but we have to be more consistent in dig. It’s always a special feeling to come back to Vibo, a club that welcomed me like part of a family, besides the fact they helped me become a better player ».



BUNGE RAVENNA – DIATEC TRENTINO 1-3 (23-25, 30-32, 30-28, 21-25)

BUNGE RAVENNA: Ricci 2, Kaminski 3, Raffaelli, Van Garderen 8, Lyneel 15, Grozdanov 7, Goi (L), Torres 22, Bossi 12, Spirito 2, Marchini. DNP Calarco, Leoni. Coach. Soli.

DIATEC TRENTINO: Nelli 19, Antonov 12, Giannelli 7, Lanza 14, Solé 13, Van De Voorde 14, Colaci (L), Stokr, Urnaut, Mazzone D 1. DNP Burgsthaler, Mazzone T, Blasi, Chiappa. Coach. Lorenzetti.


It’s not been easy for Trento but they still managed to get a three-point win on the road against a good Ravenna team. The visitors managed to come from behind twice in the first two sets to take a 2-0 lead. Then the hosts did the same in the third but they could not complete the come-back in the fourth. Lorenzetti’s men keep chasing the top teams, who stand three points away but Trento has one game in hand. MVP Simone Giannelli (Diatec Trentino)


Fabio Soli (coach Bunge Ravenna): “I am only disappointed to see the opportunities that were wasted. We had our chances in the first two sets but could not make it and in the end we did not even take a point. The boys would have deserved something for the quality shown on court, but they paid the price for the mistakes made in the clutch time, they lack a little experience. Unfortunately we have not been effective enough in dig and blocking, where we need more determination and patience ».


Angelo Lorenzetti (coach Diatec Trentino): “I am satisfied with the victory, especially in this intense period made of many games in just a few days. As I expected, Ravenna made it difficult for us but we reacted brightly to the difficult situations we faced. I like the fact we found a way to come back in the first two sets, even if in the third we let them back in it. I made a few changes because some need to rest, and now we’ll try to recharge our batteries, I’ll give the boys the next day and a half off ».


League table

Cucine Lube Civitanova 20, Azimut Modena 20, Calzedonia Verona 18, Diatec Trentino 17, Sir Safety Conad Perugia 13, Kioene Padova 11, Gi Group Monza 10, LPR Piacenza 9, Bunge Ravenna 7, Revivre Milano 5, Exprivia Molfetta 4, Top Volley Latina 4, Tonno Callipo Calabria Vibo Valentia 3, Biosì Indexa Sora 3.


One game in hand : Diatec Trentino e LPR Piacenza




SuperLega UnipolSai round 8

Sunday 6 November at 6pm

Azimut Modena – Calzedonia Verona Live on Lega Volley Channel

Diatec Trentino – Revivre Milano Live on Lega Volley Channel

Exprivia Molfetta – Biosì Indexa Sora Live on Lega Volley Channel

Kioene Padova – Tonno Callipo Calabria Vibo Valentia  Live on Lega Volley Channel

Gi Group Monza – Bunge Ravenna Live on Lega Volley Channel

LPR Piacenza – Top Volley Latina Live on Lega Volley Channel

Sunday 6 November at 6.10pm

Cucine Lube Civitanova – Sir Safety Conad Perugia Live on RAI Sport 1

Live streaming on