Serie A2 Playoffs UnipolSai
Final Game 2 Wednesday


Each game has its own story in a final series with a promotion in the SuperLega at stake. The encounters are only partially influenced by the previous one. Vibo obtained a sweep at home in the opening game as they were more solid at the end of sets but they know they can’t underestimate Sora ahead of Game 2 away from home on Wednesday night.


Sora needs a win to tie the series and regain confidence. They have to show they can keep up with Vibo’s rhythm. Marco Fabroni and co really struggled only in the third set though, as the first two ones were tight. Sora was even ahead 23-22 in the opening set. Soli’s men will play home and last season’s final had proved the outcome of the first game was not always decisive.


As for Vibo, they could not have hoped for a better start. The Italian Cup champs wants to make the double and earn promotion in the SuperLega. In spite of the 3-0 score, the opposition proved to be a tough one. But if Mastrangelo’s men were to win on the road, they’d benefit from three match points and two home games.


Last Sunday the top scorer was Peter Michalovic with 21 points, just 6 from the 700 this season. He was well assisted by setter Riccardo Pinelli. Vibo also dominated in the blocking area with 5 from Marcello Forni, while they had positive numbers in reception too.


Serie A2 Playoffs UnipolSai, Final Game 2

Wednesday 4 May at 8.30pm

Globo Banca Popolare del Frusinate Sora – Tonno Callipo Calabria Vibo Valentia  Live on Lega Volley Channel


Game 3

Sunday 8 May at 6pm

Tonno Callipo Calabria Vibo Valentia – Globo Banca Popolare del Frusinate Sora  Live on Lega Volley Channel


Game 4

Wednesday 11 May at 8.30pm

Globo Banca Popolare del Frusinate Sora – Tonno Callipo Calabria Vibo Valentia  Live on Lega Volley Channel


Game 5

Sunday 15 May at 6pm

Tonno Callipo Calabria Vibo Valentia – Globo Banca Popolare del Frusinate Sora  Live on Lega Volley Channel