After a very shy start to the game and many mistakes, Montecchio stepped up and obtained a crucial win that will do a lot of good to the team. Marconi’s men quickly found themselves trailing 2-0 with seemingly little hopes but led by Pranovi (25 points) and Nowakowski they managed to turn things around.

Marconi (coach. Sol Lucernari): “I am satisfied with the guys, especially about the reaction they had. How did we turn things around ? There were some situations that were not working out in reception and in the block-dig area, especially on their outside hitter, we sorted all that out and things went well ».

SOL LUCERNARI: Mariella 7, Bertelle, Mancin, Battocchio (L), Mercorio 13, Pranovi 25, Nowakowski 18, Sartori, Giglioli 11, Franchetti, Frizzarin 6, Lollato (L). Coach. Marconi

VBC MONDOVI’: Menardo 11, Cattaneo 2, Bolla 17, Parusso 10, Manassero 19, Prandi (L), Picco 10, Turco, Cortellazzi 5, Miola, Perla 1, Garelli. Coach. Barisciani