Padova completed its setter department with the addition of Giacomo Leoni. Born in 1995, the 20-year-old played last season in the Serie A2 with Tuscania. He came up in the youth academy of his home town, Genova, before joining the Club Italia at 16 years old where he played the B2 and B1 championships.
“My experience in Club Italia allowed me to get better in more than one way – said Giacomo – It was not easy at the start to move away from home at 15. Last year, our starting setter got injured and I had the opportunity to play a lot. Besides, I had a great coach in Tofoli, patient, competent, humble”. When asked about his brother he said “Yes, we all have this passion in the family, the two sisters used to play, then I took it up. My Brother plays too. I love him though unfortunately, we don’t see each other very often. Every time I can, I go and see him play. Not just because he’s my brother but because I objectively think he is a great spiker and has a bright future ahead of him. My dream would be to play in the same team with him one day”.