The friendly match against Monza ended on a 2-2 draw. The two coaches sent some unusual line-ups, the hosts cautiously rested Vinicius and Valsecchi, while Monza was without Botto, Padura Diaz, Elia and De Pandis. Milan dominated the early goings with Temponi and De Togni (5 blocks) shining. From the third set on, coach Maranesi sent on some players that had played less thus far and Monza got back in it, especially thanks to the positive influence of Botin and the young Bonola.

Revivre Milano-Vero Volley Monza 2-2 (25-21, 25-15, 20-25, 20-25)
Revivre Milano: Bencz 16, Bermudez ne, Kauliakamoa 5, Cerbo (L), Temponi 7, Patriarca 7, Rizzo (L), Mattera, De Togni 12, Veres 10, Preti 4. Coach. Maranesi.

Vero Volley Monza: Procopio (L), Gotsev 10, Botin 7, Tiberti 5, Galliani 3, Jovovic 2, Vigil Gonzalez 1, Wang 12, Bonetti 15, Bonola 6. Coach. Vacondio.