Together with two friends, Potenza Picena’s player Federico Moretti founded the “Asanta Sana” association. Asanta Sana, which means Thank you in Swahili, led its first mission last year by helping the famous kids of the streets (“meninos da rua”) from Manaus in Brazil. A new initiative came up in recent months: gather all the fines from the Serie A clubs to support charity projects. And the money has already been put to good use as a shelter is being built for those children in need in Manaus. The latest project of the association is the Benin Project: Federico was personally in the African country last month and wanted to build a school and a medical dispensary in the Porto Novo area, as well as sent money monthly for various children (which is also called long distance adoption).

If you wished to contribute, a postal account is available : IT 44 O 07601 13500 001024808022
