Civita Castellana came out victorious in another tough road game. Once again, a superb team performance allowed the group to take all three points in Potenza Picena, where very few teams came out unscathed last season. The impressive Da Silva led the way with an incredible 33 points and 60% in attack (aces, 5 blocks).

“We faded in the third but the team bounced back in the fourth – said coach Spanakis – The momentum of the game was all theirs coming into the fourth and we seemed to lack energy but everybody fought hard and helped each other, and that made the difference”.

VOLLEY POTENTINO – GLOBO SCARABEO CIVITA CASTELLANA 1-3 (15-25, 22-25, 25-20, 22-25) CIVITA CASTELLANA: Cesarini (L), Paolucci, Da Silva Costa 33, Tataru, Marinelli 13, Sacripanti, Marsili, Puliti 12, Alborghetti 10, Menicali 9, De Matteis 2,  DNP: Santilli, Rau. Coach.: Spanakis, VOLLEY POTENTINO: Cavuto 4, Codarin 5, Pierotti 13, Partenio 1, Miscio, Cristofaletti 1, Calistri (L), Moretti 16, Ferrini, Biglino, Ippolito 12, Quarta 8. Coach. Graziosi