The strong Asiatic opposite, part of the Vero Volley Monza team, will be the first Chinese volleyball player to go out of his Country.
Wang, born in 1987, has been playing in the Beijing BAIC Motor Club and beside being one of the most popular Chinese volleyball players he is one of the best opposites of the People’s Republic of China; in the last season he and his club won the first place in the National Championship and the third place in the Asiatic Championship. In 2013 he took another first place in the National Championship the gold medal at the 12th National Games. Wang Chen has also been called for the National Team for the World League 2014.
Wang’s arrival will be announced with two important media events; the first will be a press conference in China at the end of July. During this happening Wang Chen will sign the contract and the uniform of the team will be presented with all the brands of the Italian and Chinese companies working in partnership for this event. This conference will be broadcasted from the main local and international media (among these the CCTV Chinese TV will broadcast the event throughout the Country).
The second event will be a press conference in Monza in the first days of September to introduce the athlete. The Consortium will also organize other events in cooperation with the main Institutions for the relation between China and Italy.
Alessandra Marzari, president of the Consortium Vero Volley, doesn’t hide her satisfaction: “This athlete will give us the extraordinary chance to get closer with respect to a great and different culture and find an original communication way with the Popular Chinese Republic for our current and future partners”.
Sport transmits values over the single nation’s boundaries: especially Volleyball with the A1 Men Championship in Italy has a media coverage in other 60 countries; we have one of the most exciting and spectacular Championships in the world.
Claudio Bonati the sport director who conceived this market operation is also very satisfied: “With the arrival of Wang we will reach an historical goal for the male Volleyball: he is actually the very first men’s volleyball player taking part in a foreigner professional Championship. He is an athlete with strong motivations and strong technical skills. Wang will also contribute to open new ways of collaboration with a strong developing reality such as the Chinese Volleyball.
Nuestra Group, supporting agency is very optimistic: “We have been following the progress of Wang Chen for the past years. He is an excellent character, a strong technical athlete, and a perfect ambassador. We have been impressed with the forward thinking of the Vero Volley staff and we have full confidence in the project. Andiamo!”