The superb victory over Castellana Grotte has brought Euphoria among the fans. The gym is always packed and the media are praising this marvelous Potenza squad but coach Tofoli invites everyone to stay focused: “Before the start of the season, I did not expect us to start off that well and find ourselves with 11 points after seven rounds. Especially after changing the whole team and with a roster composed mainly of young players without experience in this division. I thought we’d have needed more time to get results. This proves we made some good choices this summer. But we still have a lot of work to do, to erase some flaws which cost us dear when we face experienced teams. But at this point, I think we can start to design goals for ourselves like the A2 Italian Cup. I like the way the boys are living the moment, we know every game represent a difficult task for us which we have to face with focus and determination, without ever slowing down, because every opponent is ready to punish us”.