Emiliano Giglioli has definitely been one of the diamonds of Reggio’s summer moves. The 28-year-old middle blocker has reached his peak years physically and he has the leadership and experience to have a great influence on the team.
“This is like going back home for me given that my father is from Cavriago – said Giglioli – I also have uncles, cousins in the region. Reggio is the team that really wanted me. It took us just a few days to find an agreement, I really want to give 100% for this team. I wished I had played in such a club in the past but now my opportunity has come. It’s great to see that most of the players that won the B1 division last year stayed. Then, we added a great player like Matteo Bertoli, but to be honest I tend to think that what really matters is how the team bonds”.