Beaten 3-0 eight days ago in Piacenza in its first test of the season, Trentino took its revenge by sweeping them at home. The players looked in better shape compared to Friday’s game against Ankara and looked more prepared as a team too. The most encouraging signs came from the determination seen on court and an excellent dig. Lanza finished top scorer again with 17 points (58%), Colaci and Kaziyski (57% in attack, 67% in reception) had excellent performance too.

“I am happy with this win over a strong team like Piacenza – said coach Stoytchev – This is good for the confidence. We have a big margin for improvement but I am confident because we obtained this result playing excellent volleyball”.

Diatec Trentino-Copra Ardelia Piacenza 3-0
(25-22, 25-23, 25-18)
DIATEC TRENTINO: Birarelli 5, Zygadlo 3, Lanza 17, Solé 9, Nemec 13, Kaziyski 10, Colaci (L); Thei. Dnp. Nelli, Giannelli, Mazzone, Fedrizzi, Burgsthaler. Coach. Radostin Stoytchev.
COPRA ARDELIA: Massari 15, Ostapenko 6, Le Roux 17, Zlatanov 4, Kohut 5, Vermiglio 1, Mario Junior (L); Alletti 2, Tencati, Ter Horst, Marra (L). Dnp. Page, Rodrigues. Coach. Andrea Radici.