Some good spells of volleyball were not enough for Potenza against Città di Castello in San Giustino’s PalaKemon arena. In spite of beging without Dolfo and their three internationals – Piano, Fromm and Van Walle – Città di Castello had the better of Graziosi’s men, who need to be more solid in the clutch time.
“Real shame the second set went like that – said coach Graziosi – We had it under control. I have seen some nice plays, but when I cautiously decided to take off Lipparini and Moretti I knew the team could have a tough time. I could not line up Caciorgna because he has not trained in the last few days, while De Leo had to adapt to the role of outside hitter”.
CITTA’DI CASTELLO: Corvetta, Sartoretti 18, Massari 17, Carminati
8, Rossi 9, Franceschini 7, Tosi (L), Marchiani 2, Lensi. DNP.: Coach. All.
POTENZA PICENA: Pinelli 2, Moretti 7, Lipparini 2, Bolla 15, Tobaldi 2,
Zamagni 3, Romiti (L), Miscio, Zampetti 6, De Leo 4, Berni. DNP.: Caciorgna.
Coach. Graziosi
Score: (25-20, 31-29, 25-18)