In its first outing of the season, Città di Castello was defeated by Perugia. “I am satisfied with the performance of the boys – said sport director Valdemaro Gustinelli – Despite the result, the team put in a good effort. We limited the mistakes on the serve (6 aces for 8 mistakes) and we did fairly well in reception”.

Meanwhile, a great news came from Matteo Piano’s nomination among the 14 Italian players to take part in the European Championships in Denmark from September 20 to 29. This goes to show once more how professional is the organization in Città di Castello” said President Arveno Joan.

0-3 (15-25/21-25/25-27)

ALTOTEVERE CITTA’DI CASTELLO: Corvetta 3, Carminati 3, Dolfo 11, Massari 8, Rossi 7, Franceschini 4, Tosi (L), Sartoretti 5, Marchiani, Lensi (2L). Coach. Radici.

SIR SAFETY PG: Mitic 4, Cupkovic 22, Vujevic 13, Della Lunga 10, Buti 5, Barone 8, Fanuli (L), Semenzato 4. A disp.: Paolucci, Della Corte. Coach. Kovac.