Rosichini’s Under 18 team came back from Trieste with the national title, following the example of the first team in the Serie A1. Macerata swept Treviso in the Final (25-23, 25-20, 26-24), just like it had done in its last triumph in 2010.

“This is a prestigious victory for the club – said Mario Picchio, in charge of Macerata’s youth department – It was totally unexpected given that our squad came from two different groups, which have worked separately for most of the season. I want to underline that no less than three important players of this team were born in 1996”.

UBE MACERATA: Martinez 1, Mennecozzi, Ferrini 5, Fabi, Traversa, Randazzo 17, Tartaglione 16, Pizzichini 2, Grassi, Savelli 4, Valla, Provvisiero Coach Rosichini.
SISLEY TREVISO: Bortolato, Benotto, Colarusso 1, Chinellato, Santangelo 10, De Meneghi, Nepitali 5, Marini 8, Mazzon 8, Volpato, Milan 12, Riviello, Corlesso Coach Cappelletto.