The Piacenza roster that will face the Italian League and European competition in 2012-13 has one new member: Antonio Corvetta. Born in Ancona in 1977, the setter can boast 15 years of experience in the A1 and A2 divisions. He came up in the youth department of Macerata, where he made it into the first team in 1995 and where he stayed until 1998. Four years in the A2 followed before coming back in the elite with Ancona and Macerata. Next were four years with Corigliano (A2) and one season at Castellana Grotte (A2). In 2009-10, he wore the shirt of Vibo Valentia before moving to Ravenna where he spent the last two years and earned promotion.

“We’re trying to build a top level team in this moment of financial crisis – said president Guido Molinaroli – We’re looking for a roster capable of being competitive both in the league and in Europe. Corvetta has a lot of experience, I’m sure he will bring a lot to the group in the various moments of difficulty”.