Great performance away from home for Città di Castello which is worth a come back in third position in the table given that Santa Croce lost. Nemec was outstanding while Rosalba scored the winning spike in what has been a near-perfect encounter.
0-3 (22-25/16-25/18-25)
CANADIENS MN: Cortellazzi 1, Miraglia 11, Botto 12, Gemmi 7, Parusso 5, Beretta 8, Tognazzoni (L), Spiga, Frosini 2, Coscione, Nash 1. DNP.: Ferri Lazzaroni. Coach. Totire.
GHERARDI CARTOEDIT SVI: Orduna 1, Nemec 18, Vedovotto 10, Rosalba 12, Ravellino 2, Rossi 8, Rossini (L), Di Benedetto 4, Marino, Nardi. DNP.: Lipparini, Marini, Benedetti. Coach. Radici.