The first away win of the season won’t be for this time either. Despite a solid game played with fighting spirit, Gioia failed to seal the deal in the fourth set, and against such an in-form team, it proved costly. Ravenna fought back, tied the game at two sets all and then snatched it in the tie-break. It is still a point for Gioia, the fourth in the last three outings, while Ravenna extended its winning run to four straight victories. All in all, not a bad performance against a very tough team, and another one is coming up: Roma.

Città di Castello: Orduna 3, Di Manno 28, Stoyanov 11, Lipparini 9, Bortolozzo 9, Braga 16, Romiti (L),Marino 1, Foni. Coach. Radici.

Nava Gioia del Volley: De Giorgi 2, Cetrullo 24, Antanovich 21, Rigoni 12, Tomassetti 8, Tomasello 15, Viva (L) 1, Niero, Del Vecchio, Panunzio. Coach. Cannestracci.