Pallavolo Padova: Pallavolo Padova – Gherardi Tratos Città di Castello 3-0
(25-16; 25-19; 32-30)

Pallavolo Padova: Garghella (L), Tiberti 1, Cricca 4, Koshikawa 17, Polidori 9, Barcala 12, De Marchi 19, Zingaro, Kubiak, Maniero, Busi. Coach: Paolo Montagnani.

Città di Castello: Romiti (L), Orduna, Stoyanov 5, Bortolozzo 5, Rosalba 14, Braga 4, Di Manno 11, Marino 1, Marini, Foni. DNP: Ceccarelli, Paci, Bartolini (L). Coach: Andrea Radici.

In one of the most important games of its season, Padova made its debut in the Pala Fabris. Montagnani’s team faced Città di Castello in the playoffs 8th of final as it starts a run to clinch the only and coveted ticket to the A1. Padova could not have hoped for a better start. It won in straight sets and will go into game 2 with a chance to seal the series.

Paolo Montagnani (coach Pallavolo Padova): «We played a good game. We did well to stay focused from start to finish, especially in the third set. Are we more confident? No. We’ll go back in the gym tomorrow, we know it won’t be easy at all in Città di Castello. I am satisfied with the whole team. Koshikawa? Since I have been in Padova, I’ve always said he was a great player and he proved it again tonight”.