Alessandro Fei break records: 40 points scored against Tours


Record time in Tours yesterday at the end of the Champions League game between Tours and Treviso. Alessandro Fei scored an unbelievable 40 points: the most ever done from a Treviso player since the Rally Point System has been introduced, that is to say from 2000 to today. Fei tallied 33 spikes, 5 blocks and 2 aces.

The previous record was from that same Fei with 33 points against Vibo VAlentia in the Italian league on November 9, 2008.

As for the record man classified by the Italian Volleyball League amongst the A1 and A2 players, the best is former Gioia del Colle player, Jose Matheus with 45 points (2000, A2). Then follows De Souza (Santa Croce, 43, still from the A2). Fei si the only A1 player of the top ten, and the only one to have scored that much in such a difficult competition as the champions League.


A2 TV schedule


A2 TV schedule until the February 6:


Round 15 – Sunday 2 January at 11.30am

Carige Genova – Volley Segrate 1978

Round 17 – Sunday 9 January at 11.30am

Pallavolo Pineto – Eurogroup Gela

Round 18 – Sunday 16 January at 11.30am

NGM Mobile Santa Croce – Carige Genova

Round 19 – Sunday 30 January at 11.30am

Club Italia A. M. Roma – Volley Segrate 1978

Round 20 – Sunday 6 February at 11.30am

Geotec Isernia – Club Italia A. M. Roma



Serie A1

Round 9 fixtures


Saturday 11 December at 8pm

Marmi Lanza Verona – Itas Diatec Trentino Live on Rai Sport 2

Live streaming on


Saturday 11 December at 8.30pm

BCC-NEP Castellana Grotte – Bre Banca Lannutti Cuneo


Sunday 12 December at 6pm

Andreoli Latina – Sisley Treviso Live on Rai Sport 1

Live streaming on


Lube Banca Marche Macerata – Copra Morpho Piacenza

(Cipolla-Gnani) San Giustino – Tonno Callipo Vibo Valentia


M. Roma Volley – Casa Modena


Yoga Forlì – Acqua Paradiso Monza Brianza



Serie A2

Round 12 fixtures and refs


Sunday 12 December at 11.30am

Eurogroup Gela – Globo Banca Popolare del Frusinate Sora Live on Sportitalia 2


Sunday 12 December at 6pm

Marcegaglia CMC Ravenna – Canadiens Mantova


Club Italia A.M. Roma – Edilesse Conad Reggio Emilia


Carige Genova – Geotec Isernia


Pallavolo Pineto – Volley Segrate 1978


Sir Safety Perugia – Energy Resources Carilo Loreto


CheBanca! Milano – NGM Mobile S.Croce


Sunday 12 December at 7pm

Pallavolo Padova- Gherardi SVI Città Di Castello
