The Federal commission studied Massa’s appeal and decided that the Massa versus Ravenna game (21st round) should be repeated. Ravenna had won at the tie-break on the 7th of February. Massa’s appeal regarded a presumed miss-handling of the rotations from Ravenna in the fifth set. The rescheduling of the game will soon be communicated by the Volleyball League.


Here is the new league table before the repetition of this game:

BCC-NEP Castellana Grotte 62, M. Roma Volley, Zinella Bologna 51, Globo Banca Popolare del Frusinate Sora 48, Samgas Crema 44, Codyeco Santa Croce 40, Marcegaglia Ravenna 38, Pallavolo Padova, Città di Castello Pallavolo 37, Edilesse Cavriago 35, Katay Geotec Isernia 30, Quasar Massa Versilia, Bassano Volley 24, Canadiens Mantova 23, Nava Gioia del Colle 20.