As promised, Martina Franca signed another players just 48 hours after the announcement of Rivaldo’s arrival. At the end of tough negotiations, sport director De Patto received the ‘Ok’ from Brasil for spiker-receiver manius Abbadi. Born in Porto Alegre, Brazil, the 33 year-old played in Brasil until 2003 with Minas, Ulbra dn Suzano. Then he moved to France and Lille before flying to Russia, signing for Kazan. In 2005-06, he made his debut in the Italian league with Gioia del Colle. He surprisingly landed in Cuneo the following season, staying there three seasons. In his first season he was Wijmans and Giba’s reserve but moved to the starting six in the playoffs as well as the following seasons. Manius scored 427 points in 104 games with Cuneo, he’s good in dig and reception.