Verona’s players dedicated their morning to the Volley School project. They visited two schools for a total of 300 students, who asked many questions.

“At this level of play, the height is very important – explained Merazzi – but it’s important to move well and to be able to jump. The players that are here today are amongst the ones that jump the higher in the team, until one meter. This can be possible thanks to the training but above all thanks to a natural gift”.

The natural talent obviously helps as proves Bontje’s story “I started to play late, when I was around 15 – said the Dutsch – It’s not that crucial to start young in volleyball. I have been lucky to be the way I am physically and to be able to learn quickly”.

Size, talent but also a certain lifestyle is needed “In every sport, at the top level, any kind of bad habit, drinking, smoking or whatever that might be, is very harmful – Parodi said – This diminishes your physical capacities and as a consequence your performances on court”.

Students and teachers were invited to come to the next game on Sunday 22 March against Forli for free.