The Admission Committee for men’s volleyball leagues A1 and A2 studied the requests of admission of all the teams and revealed the list of the clubs that have been accepted to take part in 2009-10. These are the following:




1.       Piemonte Volley Cuneo;

2.      Bluvolley Verona;

3.      Volley Lube Macerata;

4.      Pallavolo Modena;

5.      Gabeca Pallavolo Montichiari (BS);

6.      Pallavolo Loreto (AN);

7.      Perugia Volley;

8.      Copra Volley Piacenza;

9.      Prisma Volley Taranto;

10.   Trentino Volley Trento;

11.    Volley Treviso;

12.   Top Volley Latina;

13.   Callipo Sport Vibo Valentia.


The Committee examined carefully the situation of Pineto and came to the conclusion that it did not present the necessary requisites. Pineto is therefore not admitted and has two working days to appeal and have recourse to the League justice.




1.       Bassano Volley (VI);

2.      Pallavolo Cavriaghese (RE);

3.      New Mater Volley Castellana Grotte (BA);

4.      Top Team Volley Mantova;

5.      La Fenice Volley Isernia;

6.      Città di Castello Pallavolo (PG);

7.      Lupi Pallavolo Santa Croce (PI);

8.      Gioia del Volley Gioia del Colle (BA);

9.      Pallavolo Padova;

10.   Pallavolo Reima Crema (CR);

11.    M.Roma Volley;

12.   Volley Sora (FR);

13.   Polisportiva Olympia Massa;

14.   Volley Forlì;

15.   Robur Ravenna.


The Committee examined carefully the request of Zinella Bologna and came to the conclusion it did not have the necessary requisite to take part in the A2 league. The club has two days to appeal and turn to the League justice.