Marmi Lanza Verona conquers the first match of the semifinals played at PalaOlimpia against Massimo Dagioni’s Stilcasa Salento d’amare Taviano for 3-1, with the applauses of the 2574 people present who get exited watching their game.
Verona plays a good amtch closing with 9 successful blocks, 7 aces6 of which from Bellei, 55% in attack and 83% positive reception. Taviano closed with 3 aces, 8 blocks, 46% in attack and 43% positive reception.
Marmi Lanza let the opponents win the 3rd set then did not esitate to close the 4th one winning the match for 3-1 just like Forli did with Crema at home.
Coach Giuliani played with Sottile and Bellei, Gato and Janic spikers, Mosterts and Botti (MVP with 67% in attack) in the middle and Matteo Tabanelli libero.
Match 2 in Lecce on wednesday the 14th of may when Taviano will host Marmi Lanza Verona.