It will not be an easy match against Verona in the quarterfinals against a respectful opponent, the one who should have “killed” the championship this season, the one Isernia met in the TIM CUP A2 semifinal, the team everyone wanted to avoid.
Verona won 3 out of the 3 challenges between the teams making them the favouites: “They should have won the championship – coach Mastrangelo comments – and having failed that they cannot afford to do it again or this will be a season to forget for Verona. We have no pressure on us, we probably made a miracle happen by getting here, looking at the teams that got demoted”.

Gato and Botti orchestrated by Sottile with Tabanelli libero, a difficult armi to beat bu coach Mastrangelo reassures “despite all the achievements so far we are not fulfilled yet at all, I am surprised by the enthusiasm the boys are training with, they have the right attitude to do well”.