Coach Piero Molducci:
“I have seen my team, the one we worked so hard for through the year. Competitive, determined, confident and cynical. Our extra weapon was the service which allowed us to play with great intensity. That si why I say that on sunday, if we will be able to repeat ourselves, we will not play on the same level; we have something more, we saw that last night”.

“I would like to compliment my boys, especially the ones who gave their contribution despite being injured: Creus, Larry, Loglisci and Bellini. And the audience, amazing from the first to the last minute, a great hug to them who gave us an extra push”.

“Playoffs and supporters at Palafiera; those were our goals from the beginning of the season, but now we are well, even physically, despite yesterday’s was number 37 this season. So we want to win”.